Session #8 Workshops

Workshop 1:

Coaches Engaging Parents Positively


Daniel Gould, PhD.

Director, Institute for the Study of Youth Sports

Professor, Department of Kinesiology, Michigan State University

Outline of Workshop:


Successful youth sport coaches learn how to positively interact with their players’ parents and avert problems by educating and communicating with parents from their day their child joins a team. This workshop is designed to provide coaches with the knowledge and resources to positively engage parents in the youth sports experience. Strategies for dealing with difficult parents will also be discussed. 

Key Learning Points and Content

Participants will learn to view sport parents as coaching resources versus coaching distractors, the stressors sport parents experience, what sport parent behaviours are associated with optimal versus suboptimal child and athletic development, the dos (e.g., limit the number of conversations about your child’s sport) and don'ts (e.g., put the opponent down to make your child feel good) of sport parenting and the importance of educating their athletes parents. The notion of optimal parent push and ways to deal with difficult or high maintenance sport parents will be presented and discussed.

What the Learns Will Do

Learners will work in small groups to address sport parent issues commonly confronted by youth sport coaches and identify what should be included in sport parent educational efforts. The instructor will facilitate discussions and provide mini-lectures to clarify useful strategies for positively engaging parents in the youth sports experience. 

On the web

Twitter: @YouthSportsMSU



Gould, D. (2013). Effective education and development of youth sport coaches. President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Research Digest, 14(4), 1-10.

Gould, D. (2016). Quality coaching counts. Phi DeltaKappan, 97(8), 13-28.

Gould, D., & Nalepa, J. (2016). Mental development of the young player. In Colvin, A. C., & Galdstone J. N. (eds.) The young tennis player: Injury prevention and treatment (pp.37-53). NY: Springer.

Knight, C. J., Harwood, C. G., & Gould, D. (2018) (Eds.). Sport psychology for young athletes. NY: Routledge

Workshop 2:

From “Joystick” to “Making It Stick”: Facilitating Decision-Making in Children’s Sport


Dr Sergio Lara-Bercial

Outline of the Workshop: 

Coaches are cursed. Very rarely will coaches get to see what the children they coach learned during their time together for learning is a slow process that takes years. Coaches “plant trees of which they will never enjoy their shade”. In this long-term process, expecting kids to “learn it first time” can be unrealistic and highly frustrating for a coach. However, a greater understanding of what learning is, how it happens and how we can facilitate it can be liberating and empowering in equal measure!


Participants will learn:

-       What is learning

-       How learning happens

-       How to foster learning in their sessions.

Key Learning Points

-       Learning takes time and only happens when the child is ready

-       Learning is something the learner does, not something coaches do to the learner

-       There are pedagogical strategies and principles that help “making learning stick”

What learners will do:

-       Observe ‘live’ coaching session

-       Discuss session with Sergio and other coaches

On the web

witter: @DrSergioLaraUK @iCoachKidsEU @ICCE_Coaching




Workshop 3

Creating a Pedagogical Climate


Nicolette Shipper van Veldhoven and Marieke Fix

Workshop 4

Nutrition for Children – up to 12 years


National Dairy Council

Workshop 5

Autism in Sport – What coaches need to know


Michael Gilroy

Outline of the Workshop: 
Sports can be extremely beneficial to children with autism by giving them the proprioceptive input they need. This workshop will enhance a coaches understanding of autism by exploring the impact that the senses and the environment can have on children with autism. Coaches will learn how important it is to get to know the child with autism first and how best to get the required information they need to make their sport or coaching session more inclusive for children with autism. Coaches who attend this workshop will receive an Autism in Sport pack full of information on how to support a child with autism. 

By the end of this workshop attendees will be able to

·       Describe autism and how it can affect children and their participation in sport

·       Identify and implement strategies of support to include children with autism within a coaching session

There will be a Cara Autism in Sport pack for each attendee at the workshop.

On the web

Twitter: @CaraCentre_ie


Workshop 7

Understanding Physical Literacy, The Practical Application – Knowing the Why and the How!


Phelim Macken Limerick Sports Partnership Coordinator

John Doran – Kildare Sports Partnership Development Officer

Outline of the Workshop:


On attendance to the workshop, participants will be provided with opportunities to develop their knowledgeand understandingof physical literacy.

Key Learning Outcomes

  1. Outline the origins, definition, elements, relationship between the elements and importance of physical literacy

  2. Describewhereand howphysical literacy can be developed and by whom through Practical activities.

  3. Have a clear understanding of the benefits and practical applications on how to develop Physical Literacy for children 5-12 years.

This session will in general be interactive where a mix of Theory, practical and discovery learning will engage the participants to peruse an understanding of Physical Literacy. Participants will engage in a series of practical activities to enhance their understanding of the key elements and the relationship between them. They will experience activities that can be developed using limited equipment and space to nurture PL in Children.

On the web

Phelim Macken

Twitter: @PALM_Ireland @PhysLiteracy @physicallylit @wesleyob1


John Doran


Workshop 8

Implementing an effective coaching model in order to enhance the development of fundamental football actions within game realistic scenarios working with players aged 5-12 years old.


Paul Osam FAI National Coach Educator & Boy’s U16 International Team Head Coach

Rob Sweeney FAI Coach Educator & Head Coach UCD U15’s

Outline of the Keynote Presentation:

Aim –Following an effective coaching model that is player centred in order to develop fundamental movement through football actions within a reality-based learning environment. 

Key Learning Points – 

Structure – Organise, provide clarity, set boundaries and rules, create a positive learning environment, teach players self-control and always be in control of yourself, be a role model, set high standards of respect, attitude and behaviour.

Encourage – Be enthusiastic, make it fun, focus on the strengths, praise, motivate, build self-confidence, create success experiences, provide appropriate feedback, challenge, raise the bar.

Communicate – Build a relationship wit players and parents, give all players attention, make everyone feel part of the team, know names, customise instructions.

Give responsibility – Let players play, allow freedom of expression, decision making, allow mistakes, encourage questions, create awareness, focus on quality of play, support goal setting 

What the learners will do – 

The learners will participate within a practical coaching practice with an emphasis on developing Fundamentals of movement through the medium of football actions within a small sided game. Football Actions are defined as any action within the game which requires Communication, Decision Making and Execution.

The learners will be engaged through a number of coaching methodologies during the practice such as:

Coaching in the flow – Coach without stopping the activity 

Manipulation of the coaching practice – A conditioned game or practice that will teach

Make corrections at a natural stoppage – Coaching at a set piece or when the ball goes out of play

Individual coaching – One to one specific coaching without stopping the entire team

On the web

Twitter: @FAICoachEd @RobS__55 

Facebook: @FAI Coach Education


International Sports Coaching Journal, 2018, 5, 183-191, Coaching and Coach Education in the Football Association of Ireland


Adrian Byrne